Elegoo ha mejorado el kit de módulos de sensores 37 en 1 con Tutorial para Arduino UNO R3 MEGA 2560 Nano 2016 nueva versión

Elegoo Upgraded 37 in 1 Sensor Modules Kit with Tutorial for Arduino UNO R3 MEGA 2560 Nano 2016 new version

Estado: Disponible Marca: Elegoo Peso: 0.52 Kg ID: B01MG49ZQ5

Entrega: Recibalo entre el  
Devolución: Devolución gratis
Dimensiones: 5.59 cm X 30.73 cm X 19.05 cm

V1.0 V2.0

  U$S 43.05 precio de lista
  U$S - 15.07 (35%) descuento
  U$S 25.51envío de EEUU a Uruguay
Precio: U$S 53.49 Todo incluido (¡si, todo!)

  $ 0pesos uruguayos aproximadamente



  • Updated from the old version (others): Received great ideas from our customers taken into consideration
  • Removed the light cup and mercury module which are banned in Europe. (37 sensor kits from other sellers have mercury, please pay attention.)
  • Removed useless modules like heartbeat sensor, two of the hall sensors, one of the dual-color sensor. Add useful modules like GY-521 accelerometer module, LCD1602 screen, DS3231 real time clock module etc.
  • Upgraded tutorial only for Arduino UNO R3, UNO, MEGA2560 R3, NANO in CD, listing paper, resistors pack only from Elegoo Team.
  • 100% compatible with Arduino and STM32.