Wolfenstein: El nuevo orden - Xbox 360

Wolfenstein: The New Order - Xbox 360

Estado: Disponible Marca: Bethesda Peso: 0.14 Kg ID: B00CPKUV7K

Entrega: Recibalo entre el  
Devolución: Devolución gratis
Dimensiones: 1.52 cm X 19.05 cm X 13.46 cm


  U$S 14.93 precio de lista
  U$S - 1.94 (13%) descuento
  U$S 13.02envío de EEUU a Uruguay
Precio: U$S 26.01 Todo incluido (¡si, todo!)

  $ 0pesos uruguayos aproximadamente



  • The Assault: Experience intense first-person combat as you go up against oversized Nazi robots, hulking Super Soldiers and elite shock troops - all rendered in stunning detail with the id Tech 5 engine
  • The Action: Wildenstein's breath-taking set pieces feature intense mountain-top car chases, underwater exploration, player-controlled Nazi war machines, and much more - all combined to create an exhilarating action-adventure experience
  • The Arsenal: Collect ultra-advanced Nazi-tech Break into secret research facilities and heavily guarded weapon stashes to upgrade your tools of destruction
  • The Adventure: Hi-octane action and thrilling adventure weaved together into a tightly paced, super immersive game narrative